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DNS Management
Domain and DNS management in one place.
Take complete control of your online presence
Whether you're a 'one-site' freelancer, or an agency hosting 100 WordPress sites and Multisite networks - the ability to manage and configure DNS puts you firmly in the driver's seat.

Manage your DNS records from one interface
Typically DNS records are maintained by your domain registrar and must be edited on their website.
Point your domain to PINC 360 in four easy steps:

Step 1
Register your domain.

Step 2
Point your domain to our nameservers.

Step 3
Set up your domain on our hosting.

Step 4
Configure your domain's DNS records.
Straightforward DNS setup and configuration
Upon first look, dealing with DNS can seem intimidating and complicated. That's why we made it a point to create a simple DNS management process that users of all levels could understand.

Need a hand redirecting from popular registrars?
Editing and redirecting your DNS records isn't overly difficult, but if it's not done correctly browsers won't be able to find your site.
Need free email hosting? DNS makes it possible
Another awesome benefit of our DNS tool is that it enables us to provide ten (10) free email accounts for each site you host with us.

Fast and reliable performance
Along with allowing you to set up websites, emails and servers - our DNS also comes guaranteed as one of the best performing providers in the world.